Office Software
GEDO Scan Office

Software for pre-processing, visualization and analysis of measurements from GEDO Scan system
- Full 3D representation of point cloud data
- Navigation along a track trajectory
- Use of planned and measured track alignments
- Track specific measurements related to the track centerline in the point cloud
- Cross section view in separate window
- Viewer for GEDO Scan Office projects (license free)

GEDO Scan Office module Pre-Processing for pre-processing data collected in the field
- Filtering and pre-processing of scan data
- Creation of a relatively referenced point cloud
- Fitting of a GEDO IMS-Scan trajectory via reference points along the track
- Processing and fitting of a GEDO IMS-GNSS-Scan trajectory
- Synchronization of the scan data with the track trajectory and generation of a 3D point cloud

GEDO Scan Office module Point Cloud for track-specific analysis of point cloud data
- Extensive 3D measurement functions with and without track reference
- Registration of object positions with assignment of point number and code
- Clearance analysis
- with static profiles
- on the basis of a wagon model
- according to the rules of the infrastructure operator
- on the basis of the current or newly planned track trajectory by calculating an envelope curve
- Automated creation of cross sections
- Automatic vectorization and dimensioning of cross sections with DXF export
- Transfer of point cloud data and object sections into modeling software
- Neighboring track detection for tracks visible in the scan
- Overhead line detection and distance measurement

GEDO Scan Office module WinLue for documentation of clearance infringements and export in WinLUE format for the LIRA database of DB (Deutsche Bahn)
- Automatic vectorization
- Input form for additional information
- Creation of a mini track alignment
- Output to WinLUE file format

GEDO Scan Office module Clearroute for documentation of clearance infringements and export in Clearroute format
- Automatic vectorization
- Input form for additional information
- Track reference to neighboring tracks
- Output to Clearroute file format

Additional modules (i.e. Banedanmark, Montreal, CIS, etc.) allow the export of analysis results according to the requirements of the infrastructure operators for the respective clearance databases.